¡Hoy queremos presentaros a una artista del dibujo! Lorena Carvalho, ilustradora y cómic artist.
Today we are going to show you a drawing artist! Lorena Carvalho, illustrator and comic book artist.
Today we are going to show you a drawing artist! Lorena Carvalho, illustrator and comic book artist.
Nacida en Barcelona, esta ilustradora catalana desde que cogió un lápiz no lo ha vuelto a soltar.
She was born in Barcelona. This catalan illustrator since the first time she take a pencil, she hasn't drop it.
She was born in Barcelona. This catalan illustrator since the first time she take a pencil, she hasn't drop it.
Sus primeros COPIC los adquirió aproximadamente hace dos años. Lorena utiliza sobretodo la gama de grises frios,los Cool Gray (C0,C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C7,C8,C10) para realizar bases de gris en sus ilustraciones originales para a continuación aplicar color digitalmente sobre estas.
She bought her first Copics aproximately two years ago. Lorena usually uses mostly cold gray scale (C0,C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C7,C8,C10) to do the gray base to their original illustrations and then she apply color digitally over there.
She bought her first Copics aproximately two years ago. Lorena usually uses mostly cold gray scale (C0,C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C7,C8,C10) to do the gray base to their original illustrations and then she apply color digitally over there.
Entre sus trabajos más destacados podemos encontrar las portadas realizadas para series como Hellraiser The Dark Watch o Deceivers de la editorial norte americana BOOM!STUDIOS.
Some of her most notable work includes some covers of Hellraiser The Dark Watch or Deceivers for the american publisher studio BOOM!STUDIOS.

Some of her most notable work includes some covers of Hellraiser The Dark Watch or Deceivers for the american publisher studio BOOM!STUDIOS.

E-mail: mixi.studio@yahoo.es
DeviantArt: http://lorena-carvalho.deviantart.com/
Wouuuu impresionantes!!!